PORTFOLIO / 2014 — 2025

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+1 (819) 446 0462
QC, Canada

Summary of Platform Migration from Ghost to WordPress

Platform Migration for Numerica Ideas - From Ghost to WordPress


This video is about announcing to the community the steps we used to migrate our websites to a single unit, coming from a Ghost Headless installation to WordPress.

What is the NumericaIdeas?

NumericaIdeas is a technical community that creates opportunities for IT professionals, where you’ll secure your dream job, and indeed the group through which you can develop your hard and soft skills at your own pace. Our motto is “Discover, Learn, Build, & Share” 🚀

Reasons to Migrate

  • Centralization
  • Automation
  • Better UI/UX Design
  • Reduce Costs

Previous System

Migration Steps

  1. New servers with a different provider.
  2. Move mailboxes to the new servers using the ImapSync tool.
  3. WP installation and security mitigation techniques.
  4. Create the authors’ profiles with the same usernames (slugs).
  5. Move blog post content to the new site and fix the internal links, titles, and texts.
  6. Take a look if Disqus comments could be moved as well:
  7. Ensure AWS S3 + CloudFront is used for further image upload (WP Offload Media plugin).
  8. Remove the blog CNAME from the old provider and use the new name servers.
  9. Assess all the paths to redirect: articles, pages, and profiles.
  10. Write the related 301 redirects to the .htaccess file.
  11. Update the GitHub actions to use the new blog RSS feeds to populate our repositories READMEs files.
  12. Update the Discord bot to use the new Ni RSS feed.
  13. Delete the previously used AWS RDS DB.
  14. Delete the previously used Heroku resources.
  15. Optimized existing articles’ featured images: Compress PNG Images Online.
  16. More content was added to the website.
  17. Test everything with some community members.
  18. Move to production 🚀

SEO Considerations

While migrating from Ghost to WordPress, it’s important to consider the links change, in order not to break your SEO, you have to perform 301 redirects as described in the video.

Final Words

The migration has been a success and a lot of visitors and community members started to appreciate the efforts put in, thanks for the support.


Orléando Dassi

I'm a Solutions Architect with 10 years of experience who is constantly learning while impacting the community by producing technical articles/videos, building projects, and conducting tech mentoring/coaching sessions. What describes me the most is my flexibility.