Salesforce OAuth 2.0 Web Server Flow in NodeJS
In this article, we’ll explore how to build a Salesforce Connected App for API integration using Node.js, the OAuth 2.0 Web Server Flow will be implemented.
Migrating Resources to AWS CDK Using “CDK Migrate” Command
The transition from AWS CloudFormation or deployed resources to AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) has become more accessible and streamlined via the command “cdk migrate”.
Numerica Ideas’s Tech Writers Leaderboard
Building a community is HARD, in the same way, writing QUALITY tech content is DIFFICULT and TIME-CONSUMING, so those who do it deserve a CROWN.
Dockerize NodeJS and MySQL with Docker Compose
Let’s Dockerize a NodeJS Application with MySQL by leveraging the power of Docker Compose to achieve easy deployment and portability.
Understanding the Difference Between Observable and Subject in RxJS
One of the fundamental components of RxJS is the distinction between Observable and Subject. They have distinct characteristics and use cases that this article is about to highlight.
Summary of Platform Migration from Ghost to WordPress
This video is about announcing to the community the steps we used to migrate our websites to a single unit, coming from a Ghost Headless installation to WordPress.
Choosing the Right Specialization Timing for Your Tech Career: Sooner or Later?
The decision to specialize sooner or later in one’s tech career is a crucial one and can significantly impact efficiency and career trajectory.
How I Became a Software Engineer with No University Degree or Experience
This video gives you some insights on how you could start your tech career, or more precisely your software engineering journey, landing your first job with no experience, all this without any university degree.
Built-in .env Files Support Starting from Node.js v20.6.0
Finally, starting from Node.js v20.6.0, Node.js supports .env files for configuring environment variables.